ZEGL 是中国快时尚首饰行业的头部品牌。为了更好的塑造其年轻,个性,当代的品牌形象

设计将此“点线面”的概念延续到了品牌形象的塑造种,点的语言形成了由ZG组成的超级符号,线的语言形成了由 ZEGL 组成的排列线条,在不同的面,即物料媒介上进行搭配和组合,形成了品牌独树一帜的视觉风尚。

整体的设计,通过“点线面”的独特创意,以及多元变化的动态表达,为 ZEGL 呈现了当代,年轻且有趣的品牌新形象。

Represent Chinese leading jewelry brand with dynamic, versatile and attractive visual image.

ZEGL is a leading brand in China's fast fashion jewelry industry. The company desires to establish a youth-friendly, personalized and contemporary brand image by reshaping its visual identity.
By analyzing and summarizing the brand attributes, we have extracted the design concept of “points, lines and planes”. In particular, jewelry is composed of points and lines, while the body of the wearer serves as the plane. Through the dressing-up of jewelry items in different forms, that is, the collocation and combination of points, lines and planes, the personal styles are shaped.
The design demonstrates the concept of “points, lines and planes" throughout the overall brand image building. The points are represented in the monograph composed of ZG letters for a more diversified brand identity. The lines go with ZEGL, which turns into the visual expression of brand refinement and collocation. The application of points and lines on different planes, that is, the varied collocation and combination of points and lines on the brand’s materials and media, shapes the brand's unique visual style.

